What's New at Southern Urology, LLC

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Men become more susceptible to prostate cancer as they get older and it’s a major issue for those in the middle

Common Cancers in Men

This past June was Men’s Health Month, so it’s that time of year to educate you on important facts regarding

Vasectomy – Myth or Fact

Since it is a permanent form of birth control, many men have questions or concerns before having a vasectomy. This

Can I Prevent Kidney Stones?

If you’ve experienced kidney stones once, odds are you’ll want to learn how to prevent them from forming again. If

Bladder Cancer Facts

In 2015, there were about 56,320 male and 17,680 female new bladder cancer cases in the United States. Learning about bladder cancer will

Now Supporting Mobile Browsers

We are pleased to announce that our website has undergone some changes to now offer better support when viewing on